The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 27, 2010
Huey: Yeah? Voice: Hey, this is another courtesy call from homeland security! We just wanted you to know that you are not going to die within the next couple of days from a terrorist attack as we previously thought. It seems our informant may have been fibbing just a wee bit. Huey: "Fibbing"? Voice: Our agents caught him crossing his fingers during the interrogation. Those guys don't miss much...
rumplesnitz over 14 years ago
rumplesnitz over 14 years ago
I hate it when people do that….
rumplesnitz over 14 years ago
Good morning everyone! I’VE got today off!
rumplesnitz over 14 years ago
Enjoy your MONDAY!!!
rumplesnitz over 14 years ago
Hee hee heeeee…
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Monday I jump out of bed and yell, “Oh Boy! I wonder what’s happening at work? Then I skip down the lane with a smile on my lips and a song in my heart to see my loving co-workers and understanding boss who recognizes, acknowelges, and rewards my every effort.
Medication helps.
kfaatz925 over 14 years ago
Oy, rumplesnitz, what else are you doing with your day off? heh heh…
Me, I’m just about to go to work. I need some of those meds, Lewreader.