The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for October 25, 2010

  1. The small heart of sulayman
    arifvakil  over 14 years ago

    You said it Hector. But I still have hope in Obama. Let’s see.

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    infinite_kydeem  over 14 years ago

    cripes! the spammers are aggressive today.

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    Nortley  over 14 years ago

    As you said, infinite, the spammers are aggressive today.

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  4. Photo on 2010 11 08 at 15.31
    aprilglaspie  over 14 years ago

    Deficit spending is what governments do. On the other hand, W ran through a sizable surplus to get to total economic disaster and a massive deficit, and his administration left out accounting for the $1trillion for the invasions and occupations. What they accomplished, aside from letting corporations to run unleashed was to put Iraq in the pocket of Ayatollahs and let private “security” companies make Dickless Cheney and his ilk that had better things to do than actually serve get richer.

    When Incurious George left the White House, the official deficit figure was $700billion. Grownups included the cost of the invasions, kept the economy from imploding and ended up with $1.75trillion. If you’re really exercised about this, ask Cheney to get back the pallets of Benjamins Halliburton walked off with in Iraq.

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    longtimecomicsfan  over 14 years ago

    The idea that any economic situation, good or bad, is permanent is way out of touch with reality. That’s akin to saying that the world is overpopulated - permanently.

    The idea that the economy is “destroyed” is likewise over the top. GDP has stopped shrinking and returned to growth. If the economy were “destroyed” we would be in a “permanent” depression, much like Germany after WWI. (and even that didn’t turn out to be “permanent.”)

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