The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for January 02, 2011

  1. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 14 years ago

    Maybe Magic would have better luck with it than the current crew of vampires have…

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  2. Kodak pics from  04 forward to billy and michelle s wedding 467
    rumplesnitz  about 14 years ago

    Looks like it’s going as I foretold… We hammered down in Iraq, they switched theatres to Afghanistan, we left Iraq and went to Afg, they went back to Iraq. It’s like international whack-a-mole. Iran is the target in the first place, and if it weren’t for the weak-sister libtards holding us back, this whole thing, including Iran, would already be done and over with and this nation would be experiencing a golden new age, and children throughout Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan would have a chance to turn their nations into First-world countries. BUT gee, that would seem imperialistic of US, so let’s let them live as chattel in an oppressive dark-ages environment. Every day people keep dying from Jihad is a new indictment against Left-wing Idealism, and cowardly isolationism.

    But yeah, I’d love to see Magic get a shot at that…

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