The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 03, 2012
Huey: Look, if you're gonna walk around with a big silver cyborg ear, you should have super hearing. Tom: Hold on. I'm getting a call. Huey: See! That's not real technology! They just keep inventing new ways for people to have worthless conversations with one another about nothing! Tom: Yeah, honey! Now we're talking and texting at the same time! Cool!
Tandembuzz over 12 years ago
Was there texting back then?
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yep. Texting actually started back in the 80’s or 90’s but by using pagers not cell phones. Texting on a cell phone probably begin in mid to late 90’s, but I’m just guessing here.
earlcorley over 12 years ago
Texting back then? see Morse Code and moreso here: