Bottom Liners by Eric and Bill Teitelbaum for January 15, 2013

  1. Cindy crawford shaving cream 1
    randayn  about 12 years ago

    Obviously the decision maker for his agency.

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  2. Kittay
    naturally_easy  about 12 years ago

    One of these days we’re going to start a Procrastinators Anonymous meeting.

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  3. A service i need
    Kvasir42 Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Please. There are numerous times where my staff and I (all government workers) have responded incredibly fast to taskers from my bosses, government workers, who have to respond, usually within 48 hours, to taskers from their bosses also government workers. We create information to help the public, as well as other agencies, to make their lives better. Compare that to the responsiveness of the “fast-paced world of Wall Street,” or the other subjects this strip supposedly addresses. Which reminds me, I couldn’t remember which strip I meant to drop from my rotation. Sayonara, y’all.

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    erictee  about 12 years ago

    Procrastination’s a big problem—-sooner or laterit should be addressed…perhaps.

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    erictee  about 12 years ago


    Part of neg feelings toward gov workers stems from collusion taking place between Democratic party andPublic unions regarding retirement—the back room deals. Lousy investments mean John Q taxpayer must guarantee shortfall in revenue and obligation for taxpayer to guarantee funding state worker retirement checks. Thus state workers are NOT at risk, the taxpayer is.This is a significant issue…taints image of low risk public workers.

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    erictee  about 12 years ago


    With due respect here is the fallacy: If one takes a look how salaries for the same workers change as they shift between jobs in the public and private sectors in terms of abilities and worker traits (intelligence, motivation and creativity training) the worker ability stays the same…and a higher salary in most cases does not occur.

    In other words an employer gets what they pay for…thus perhaps the lower returns on public sector investments may be a result of government types at the helm who may not have the “cojones” to generate higher returns no matter how they try—- ouch!!

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