Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it phony. From the New York Post and Kaiser Permanente and BCBS Alabama: "The new taxes on one customer’s bill added up to $23.14 a month, or $277.68 annually, according to Kaiser Health News. It boosted the monthly premium from $322.26 to $345.40 for that individual.
The new taxes and fees include a 2 percent levy on every health plan, which is expected to net about $8 billion for the government in 2014 and increase to $14.3 billion in 2018.
There’s also a $2 fee per policy that goes into a new medical-research trust fund called the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
Insurers pay a 3.5 percent user fee to sell medical plans on the HealthCare.gov Web site."
You may have in infinitely expandable wallet. We do not. My husband makes a good living, but we are just barely keeping up with the tax dogs constantly nipping at our heels, raising our mortgage payments, or village payments, ad infinitum. So far we don’t have to deal with the ACA, but I feel for those who had affordable care whisked out from under them only to have it replace with what now jeopardizes their household economy. I also feel for those whose wretched insurance companies denied coverage of critical illness. But punishing some so others can thrive is absolutely not the answer.
I have not met 1 doctor who has anything good to say about Obamacare—-
unfortunately ACA is driving good physicians to close their practice ..and being by under-trained nurse practitioners and orderlies.
It appears our Prez pushed his health act through, via party line votes, in great part for marquee value…he, in fact, knew nothing about the particulars…
Hey, I am not a booster of either party, however, it is a pity Mitt Romney was so vilified by the press—-he was our only hope for straightening out the mess this country is now in. Health Care is just the start!:(
randayn about 11 years ago
“…along with the rest of the country.”
stlmaddog5 about 11 years ago
p10knee about 11 years ago
Obamacare saved my life!
Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago
And the alternative is ???
Seriously doctors, do something for your patients and work to get a system that works for them instead of just high hospital fees.
dogday Premium Member about 11 years ago
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it phony. From the New York Post and Kaiser Permanente and BCBS Alabama: "The new taxes on one customer’s bill added up to $23.14 a month, or $277.68 annually, according to Kaiser Health News. It boosted the monthly premium from $322.26 to $345.40 for that individual.
The new taxes and fees include a 2 percent levy on every health plan, which is expected to net about $8 billion for the government in 2014 and increase to $14.3 billion in 2018.
There’s also a $2 fee per policy that goes into a new medical-research trust fund called the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
Insurers pay a 3.5 percent user fee to sell medical plans on the HealthCare.gov Web site."
You may have in infinitely expandable wallet. We do not. My husband makes a good living, but we are just barely keeping up with the tax dogs constantly nipping at our heels, raising our mortgage payments, or village payments, ad infinitum. So far we don’t have to deal with the ACA, but I feel for those who had affordable care whisked out from under them only to have it replace with what now jeopardizes their household economy. I also feel for those whose wretched insurance companies denied coverage of critical illness. But punishing some so others can thrive is absolutely not the answer.
JRemakel1 about 11 years ago
Quack! Quack! Sign me up?
erictee about 11 years ago
I have not met 1 doctor who has anything good to say about Obamacare—-
unfortunately ACA is driving good physicians to close their practice ..and being by under-trained nurse practitioners and orderlies.
It appears our Prez pushed his health act through, via party line votes, in great part for marquee value…he, in fact, knew nothing about the particulars…
Hey, I am not a booster of either party, however, it is a pity Mitt Romney was so vilified by the press—-he was our only hope for straightening out the mess this country is now in. Health Care is just the start!:(
Don Winchester Premium Member about 11 years ago
Uh oh, the guy’s screwed…