A Remarkable device that allows anyone the opportunity to create a distinctive, cloudy and robust Stinko-Grigio —-with subtle notes of stale bread and spoiled fruit, inter-laced with expresso grounds, burnt eggs and a distant whisper of overly aged cheddar cheese mixed with hints of liver pate cat food.
Finally, a machine capable of turning simple table scraps into a meaningful, unique and refreshing nectar.
David_the_CAD over 2 years ago
But I have an organic machine that turns wine into garbage already
goboboyd over 2 years ago
It seems my grandmother made wine of anything that rotted, and a good amount of sugar. Ah, the magic in those brown glass jugs with balloons on top.
[Traveler] Premium Member over 2 years ago
Ummm, that’s good bass!
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member over 2 years ago
We will never know unless someone tries.
Oh Really? over 2 years ago
A Remarkable device that allows anyone the opportunity to create a distinctive, cloudy and robust Stinko-Grigio —-with subtle notes of stale bread and spoiled fruit, inter-laced with expresso grounds, burnt eggs and a distant whisper of overly aged cheddar cheese mixed with hints of liver pate cat food.
Finally, a machine capable of turning simple table scraps into a meaningful, unique and refreshing nectar.
gopher gofer over 2 years ago
here in japan we’re very familiar with garbage wines…
Buckaroobanzai over 2 years ago
just add yeast
C over 2 years ago
Don’t press your luck