Bound and Gagged by Dana Summers for April 22, 2013

  1. Minime 100x100
    Linux0s  over 11 years ago

    It could be the bill.

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  2. Temple
    locuravamp  over 11 years ago

    Ok…I’m going to burn my bed down. :P

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  3. Penguins
    James Hopkins  over 11 years ago

    He’s not touching him with a 10 foot pole.

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  4. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I wonder if it is bad news.

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  5. Image
    gosfreikempe  over 11 years ago

    A friend once took her self to the doctor with what she thought were measles. The doctor “examined” her from the end of the hall, and told her to go to the emergency dept, where they were prepared to treat her for smallpox. Turned out to be measles; she just looked like smallpox, and the doctor had experience with smallpox… She said it was embarrassing at the time, but she laughs about it now.

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  6. Curly pres
    jmcx4  over 11 years ago

    From now on, we will only feed you pizza. Will that cure me? No, it’s the only food we can slide under the door.

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  7. Securedownload copy
    jprozeboom  over 11 years ago

    WOW, he must really be contagious. A return of the bubonic plague?

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  8. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 11 years ago

    I remember a Benny Hill sketch when he was playing a doctor. He assured his patient that he was quite all right, then shook his hand with a fake hand on a stick.

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  9. Missing large
    starlilies  over 11 years ago

    Wow, Benny Hill! Haven’t heard that name in a LONG time! Thought his skits were hysterical!

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  10. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  over 11 years ago

    Benny Hill is one of a kind….NO ONE has yet to come close to his genius. LOVE Brit humor.

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  11. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 11 years ago

    @ starlillies and @ pierrandnicoleAre either of you single ladies? In which case please accept my PROPOSAL, lol!

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  12. Missing large
    fixer1967  over 11 years ago

    What ever it is it must be bad. My computer crashed when I go this strip. Took me 20 minutes to get back here.

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