I took ice skating lessons in college. I broke my wrist, more like the end of the radius, a week after the tuition reimbursement drop deadline. Not only did I lose the tuition money for the class, I had to pay for the arm casting out of pocket. I took the class again the next year, and smashed my face into the ice, biting clean through the skin just below my lower lip, but I didn’t have to quit for that injury.
Llewellenbruce almost 10 years ago
He certainly got off cheap I’d say.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I took ice skating lessons in college. I broke my wrist, more like the end of the radius, a week after the tuition reimbursement drop deadline. Not only did I lose the tuition money for the class, I had to pay for the arm casting out of pocket. I took the class again the next year, and smashed my face into the ice, biting clean through the skin just below my lower lip, but I didn’t have to quit for that injury.
Godfreydaniel almost 10 years ago
Doctors that botch operations still charge for them……