Think of all the legitimate massage therapists out of work. At $100 per hour and 6 hours of work per day, that’s $3000 per week. 50 weeks per year, with time off for personal needs, like medical appointments and other stuff, that still adds up to over $100,000 per year. And to go to nothing is rough, especially if one is working for oneself.
suv2000 about 4 years ago
Happy ending
Marblemouth about 4 years ago
That table can never fold up correctly.
therese_callahan2002 about 4 years ago
He looks more like a chiropractor than a masseur.
Teto85 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Think of all the legitimate massage therapists out of work. At $100 per hour and 6 hours of work per day, that’s $3000 per week. 50 weeks per year, with time off for personal needs, like medical appointments and other stuff, that still adds up to over $100,000 per year. And to go to nothing is rough, especially if one is working for oneself.
backyardcowboy about 4 years ago
spy on the shelf making your kids paranoid and getting them ready for the Corporate World.
William Bednar Premium Member about 4 years ago
Shouldn’t the massage therapist be massaging a little lower?
Troglodyte about 4 years ago
Pad your shelves for happy elves?
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
A spy’s work is most difficult…..
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
Didn’t sit on his upper back.
cuzinron47 about 4 years ago
And the tales I could tell.