I especially love Amazon.com (and other online merchants) during the holidays. I can do all my shopping and not have to worry about crowds and the obnoxiousness that goes with them.;-D
I buy vey few things online. With the added cost of shipping…plus pretty much only if I can’t find it otherwise. There’s always a cost to ‘convenience’; I distrust easy
x_Tech over 10 years ago
Okay, tell me again. How do I turn off this Google Locator App?
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I always think of Amazon as this "giant store, where my feet don’t get tired. But at least my wallet gets to lose some weight….
Varnes over 10 years ago
Amazon loves me……
Baarorso over 10 years ago
I especially love Amazon.com (and other online merchants) during the holidays. I can do all my shopping and not have to worry about crowds and the obnoxiousness that goes with them.;-D
Godfreydaniel over 10 years ago
I never buy anything online. I’m even a cheapskate on GoComics, refusing to become a paying member!
MissScarlet Premium Member over 10 years ago
That’s me. I love Amazon. And it’s very easy to return things. But I agree Smiley; shoes need to be hands on.
rekam Premium Member over 10 years ago
Have been buying all my clothes at Haband.com. They make it easy to return anything.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Miss Scarlet…. well…. I dunno….my shoes usually have to be feet on…. or, er…. in.
syzygy47 over 6 years ago
I buy vey few things online. With the added cost of shipping…plus pretty much only if I can’t find it otherwise. There’s always a cost to ‘convenience’; I distrust easy