Ain’t no varmint lower ‘n a pizza-rustler! ’Round hereabouts, we give ’em a fair trial, then make them watch us eat the pizza. Don’t give ’em no sodapop, neither!
Why bother looking for stolen pizza. It will be eaten anyway.
Shooting someone for stealing apple pastry is turnoverkill!
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Ain’t no varmint lower ‘n a pizza-rustler! ’Round hereabouts, we give ’em a fair trial, then make them watch us eat the pizza. Don’t give ’em no sodapop, neither!
westny77 over 10 years ago
Why bother looking for stolen pizza. It will be eaten anyway.
JP Steve Premium Member over 10 years ago
Shooting someone for stealing apple pastry is turnoverkill!