Let’s take it one step at a time, shall we? Nerwin is not the type to graduate High School too easily!
I just hate it when my teeth get gnashed.
I’ll be in my dentist’s chair for hours
The wailing and gnashing of teeth will be done by his professors and instructors.
When I went to college the way to higher education was a ladder at the girl’s dorm window…
Nerwin knows how to yank Auntie Broom’s chain.
But, at his present rate, he will never make it to college.
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
Let’s take it one step at a time, shall we? Nerwin is not the type to graduate High School too easily!
Nighthawks Premium Member over 6 years ago
I just hate it when my teeth get gnashed.
I’ll be in my dentist’s chair for hours
banjinshiju over 6 years ago
The wailing and gnashing of teeth will be done by his professors and instructors.
craigwestlake over 6 years ago
When I went to college the way to higher education was a ladder at the girl’s dorm window…
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
Nerwin knows how to yank Auntie Broom’s chain.
But, at his present rate, he will never make it to college.