Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 14, 1988
Calvin: So where are we going? I sure hope we're not camping again this year? Dad: Well, we are. Calvin: Oh, no! Why do we have to go camping?! I hate camping! Calvin: Swatting mosquitos while lying frozen and cramped on bumpy rocks, with no TV and only canned food to eat, is not my idea of a good time! Dad: that's why we brought bug spray. Calvin: Look, just let me out here, ok? I'll hitch home and see you when you get back, all right?
yow4zip Premium Member over 11 years ago
This is really going to be rough.
bmonk over 11 years ago
Calvin likes the outdoors—except when nature is always trying to bite, slime, or otherwise interfere with his TV time.
donerito almost 7 years ago
I like how mom avoids the camping debates.
Pets of the comics almost 4 years ago
Camping is good. My whole family camps for a week around the end of July every year.
Archistoteles almost 2 years ago
I love panel 2 with the cars hurrying down the road.