Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 01, 1989
Calvin: Hi, Susie. Susie: Go away, Calvin! Sit somewhere else! I don't want to know what revolting thing you have for lunch today. Calvin: Relax, Susie. I'm not going to tell you what I have. Susie: You'd better not. I mean it. Calvin: All I'll say is that I sure feel sorry for my tapeworm. Susie: Miss Wormwood! Calvin: Hey! Did I way what my lunch is?! Did I?!?
yow4zip Premium Member almost 11 years ago
What a revolting development.
bmonk almost 11 years ago
Do tapeworms like the taste of slugs?
jassonlsm76 over 8 years ago
Don’t be a sissy, Susie! Stop yelling “Miss Wormwood!” every time Calvin’s near you!
Me2times. over 6 years ago
Calvin, the master of pushing boundaries
CJDaBudgie almost 4 years ago
Now THAT is a loophole