Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for July 27, 1989
Calvin: Ooh, these bugs are awful! I itch all over! Hobbes: Don't scratch the bites or you'll just make the itching worse. Calvin: What am I supposed to do then? It's driving me crazy! Hobbes: Think about something else. Calvin: Something else?! Like what?? Hobbes: Like maybe stepping out of all that poison ivy. Calvin: I hate this place!
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
This is really bugging him.
Xalder over 10 years ago
Maybe he’ll get into the Ivy Leagues.
bmonk about 10 years ago
Hobbes did have a rather poisonous reply.
76noos 10 days ago
Either you think of something else or you keep scratching. Pick your poison, Calvin.