Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for December 13, 1989
Calvin: Miserable miscreant! Question my integrity will you? Hobbes: I can't question it until I see some evidence of it! Clavin; Aaughh! I've been fighting! Hobbes: Only in the loosest sense of the word. Calvin: Santa, he made me! I didn't mean to fight! Hobbes: Yes he did! Yes he did! He started it! Calvin: I did not! Hobbes: Did too! Calvin: Did not! Hobbes: Did too. Calvin: Liar! Hobbes: Liar!
pirahna_zentian over 14 years ago
events beyond control……i c
Summersnow about 14 years ago
…And shouting… And some more fighting…
yow4zip Premium Member about 10 years ago
It’s a case of he said/he said.
bmonk over 9 years ago
But he still manages to get into trouble.
DM9001 almost 5 years ago
I love how Calvin treats Santa like a god by shouting into the heavens.
noissimbus over 3 years ago
Some passers by would be watching quite a scene. I assume Hobbes is there at the bus stop purely by the powers of Calvin’s imagination.
Humerus1 11 months ago
and the cycle begins