Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 01, 1991
Calvin: There you are! There you are! What's the big idea giving Susie a mushy Valentine?! Are you nuts?!? She wouldn't even accept it! You're such a jerk, she always thinks you're up to something! Who are you calling a jerk, you namby-pamby goody-goody! You, you self-centered conniving brat! Hobbes: Wow, how existential can you get?
Summersnow about 14 years ago
Wow, if this is his good side, I guess this proves that he does like Susie :D
weatherford.joe over 9 years ago
Pretty existential, apparently.
hayman21 about 9 years ago
Fight! Fight!
yow4zip Premium Member over 8 years ago
He’s really wrestling with his emotions.
[Unnamed Reader - a2daed] about 4 years ago
more like wrestling with his imagination
loelizabeth503 about 3 years ago
meartstar almost 3 years ago
It be like that, it do!