Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 11, 1991
Calvin: What's that smell? Either mom's cooking dinner, or somebody got suck in the furnace duct. Boy, does it STINK in here! What are you cooking for dinner? Mom: I'm stewing some monkey heads. Calvin: Whatever it is, I'm not eating it. Mom: They'll be soggy enough to eat in about twenty minutes. Calvin: Monkey heads? Really?? We're having monkey heads? We are not..are those really monkey heads? I've never had monkey heads before! I wonder what they're like. Wow! Monkey heads! Mm...kinda squishy. Ooh look, is that a nose? What's this? Brains? I didn't think they'd be rubbery... Dad: WHAT? I thought these were stuffed peppers. Honey, what the heck IS this?? Whatever it is, I'm not eating it!
yow4zip Premium Member over 8 years ago
It’s your loss, Dad.
LukeTedder about 5 years ago
maybe mom isn’t right
SilasEdwards almost 4 years ago
dot eat it it bad food.
Well it’s finally happend. DAD AND CALVIN HAVE SWITCHED!!!!!
My House® 6 months ago
Now Calvin needs to tell his dad to eat his dinner!