Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 09, 1992
Calvin: Look how your tail flips around! I wonder which muscles control that. I can sort of clench my butt, but I don't think it could wiggle a tail. Hmm, how strange! I've never really thought about butt muscles before. Hobbes: Some things don't need the thought people give them.
Xalder over 10 years ago
I imagine there’s separate nerves and muscles in tails so…
maxbacsi about 9 years ago
Definitely there are. Tails also have bones!
GallifreyanChild19 about 9 years ago
Tails wag so that the animal can keep itself balanced, for cats and dogs especially, it is a big reason why they chase their tails
yow4zip Premium Member over 7 years ago
That’s a tale for another time.
captain asian over 3 years ago
I love how every single c&h strip has deep thought behind it