Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 11, 1992
Hobbes: Whatcha doin'? Calvin: Mom won't get me a springboard so I'm making my own. Now you can watch me do the highest jump into the leaf pile you ever saw. Here I go-o! Yaaaa. Hoop. Bonk. Gaa! Wap Oof! Bop. Hobbes: Why wouldn't your mom get you a springboard? Calvin: She was afraid I'd hurt myself.
NaeglariaFowleri over 12 years ago
I wish that would happen to me. Just an operation to fill in school, so I could… IDK, dream school and learn by sleeping and spend my time doing worthwhile things, instead of being too tired and just spending time on the computer
CloudsofGrey over 12 years ago
Naw…I think they’d have to give me the mother of all needles to keep me from feeling anything…Anyways, I don’t even have to get out of bed for school most days. Yaay homeschooling!
yow4zip Premium Member over 7 years ago
That was epic.
rklynch about 5 years ago
Ouch. I bet that didn’t tickle….
AntonL.Graf over 3 years ago
The bottom third of this comic looks so satisfyingly three-dimensional
Ozark12 over 2 years ago
He must have gone to the Wiley Coyote School of Gymnastics
coffeeturtle over 2 years ago
…and left to our own devices…
leopardglily over 2 years ago
Ouch! That had to have hurt. I would totally do that at his age.
claycorns12345 6 months ago
green socks!