Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 11, 1993
Calvin as pilot: At 35,000 feet, the engines of flight 430 explode for no reason! With plumes of dense smoke trailing from the wings, the giant aircraft plummets out of control! Meanwhile, a 50 car freight train hits a penny on the rail at 80 miles an hour and jumps the tracks, dragging half a million tons of metal into the air behind it! In a freak coincidence, both the jet and the train are conversing on one spot where tectonic plates in the earth's crust have just begun to shift! That spot is the house of Farmer Brown, who at this moment, is unaware of a gas leak as he attempts to light his stove! As he strikes the match, he casually glances out the kitchen window. Calvin: His eye twitches involuntarily. Hobbes: Can't we play something else?
Xalder over 10 years ago
Just a second, Hobbes… it’ll be over quick…
littleworld over 9 years ago
Wow, talk about overkill.
Marathon Zack over 9 years ago
This sounds like a good Michael Bay movie.
MacBoi almost 8 years ago
It goes right down to the smallest detail…
yow4zip Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Love the eye twitch.
DanWolfie almost 7 years ago
Love the detail put into this strip! I especially like how the freight train is hauled by modern GE diesel locomotives.
Me2times. over 4 years ago
Poor Farmer Brown
jdawkins1124 about 4 years ago
I bet farmer Brown makes it out alive without a scratch.
Type B about 3 years ago
This is one of the best comics.
-Thatguy2020 over 2 years ago
The plane is a good old McDonald (prenounced Mic donal) MD-11. And old 3 engine plane. Now only used by UPS and by the USAF as a reconnaissance aircraft. But at the time this was made they were like the 737s of their time. (Sorry I cannot stop myself from geeking out about this)
MiguelB5 over 2 years ago
Holy moley.
Jaythor 12 months ago
Bout to be a bad day for Farmer Brown….
ethanlens 6 months ago
but why that house and not Calvin’s school?