A basic management skill is prioritizing and triage. You cannot expect someone like Cathy to do it.
Sometimes you have “lose” the paperwork for one of the projects just to catch up. It is not rewarding for employees to be perpetual behind.
Whenever I finished a major project, I would always get a cup of coffee and go out for a walk, before telling my boss and getting assigned the next project. Enjoy those little victories, while you can.
LeftCoastKen Premium Member about 12 hours ago
Or is it anti-crastinate?
baskate_2000 about 6 hours ago
My fingernails hurt!
mistercatworks about 2 hours ago
A basic management skill is prioritizing and triage. You cannot expect someone like Cathy to do it.
Sometimes you have “lose” the paperwork for one of the projects just to catch up. It is not rewarding for employees to be perpetual behind.
Whenever I finished a major project, I would always get a cup of coffee and go out for a walk, before telling my boss and getting assigned the next project. Enjoy those little victories, while you can.