A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away — no, I lie, it was in San Francisco, the day Star Wars opened at the Coronet theatre. I spent a goodly amount of time sitting there, before the flick started, listening to some guy in the row ahead of me trying to convince his date that he was Douglas Trumbull, noted Hollywood special effects guy. After thinking about it a while, I figured “why not?” The girl would never see him again, and if it gave her something nice to remember, what difference does it make if it was fake, as long as she didn’t know it? Same here - so what if the guy is a traveling Honolulu gigolo. To Mona, it was real, and that’s all that counts - to Mona. I just hope she’s too smart to go back there any time soon…
Well, duh. Hawaii is a bit isolated. What better place for a lonely lady to have a quiet, little fling and you think the men on that island don’t know that too? It’s like Vegas!
margueritem over 15 years ago
Pierre may be right on this one, I’m afraid…
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Pierre why did you just say that! If I were Mona right now, I would definitely slap your face.
Sisyphos over 15 years ago
Pierre may have awakened Mona’s more logical self. If so, it’s for the better in the long run….
farren over 15 years ago
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away — no, I lie, it was in San Francisco, the day Star Wars opened at the Coronet theatre. I spent a goodly amount of time sitting there, before the flick started, listening to some guy in the row ahead of me trying to convince his date that he was Douglas Trumbull, noted Hollywood special effects guy. After thinking about it a while, I figured “why not?” The girl would never see him again, and if it gave her something nice to remember, what difference does it make if it was fake, as long as she didn’t know it? Same here - so what if the guy is a traveling Honolulu gigolo. To Mona, it was real, and that’s all that counts - to Mona. I just hope she’s too smart to go back there any time soon…
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Poor Mona. If she wants to live in her fantasy, let her.
NoirRaven over 15 years ago
Glad to see I wasn’t the only one who was thinking that.
The missing M. Smokey over 15 years ago
Even stuffed-bunny feelings are more genuine than Ryan-pretty-boy feelings.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago
better go see your doctor….quick!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
The seeds of doubt have been sown.
mancocapac over 15 years ago
Cue back cynicism in 3….2…
ChukLitl Premium Member over 15 years ago
It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it.
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hoo-Boy! That tears it…
Now Mona might return to Hawaii, find out the truth, whatever it may be, and also find out she’s pregnant.
Hmmm… Do we have a looming right to life \ right of choice moment coming in a future strip?
MichelleZProvencher over 6 years ago
Well, duh. Hawaii is a bit isolated. What better place for a lonely lady to have a quiet, little fling and you think the men on that island don’t know that too? It’s like Vegas!