Cross continental freakout part 2 starts now. And once again one of the parties in question has no idea that anything is going on.
Leaping to conclusions is the only sport Mona’s any good at.Let sleeping Lamoureuxs lie, I say.
you’ve been dumped allright
I’m available for proofreading Ms. Babcock. I hope he has caller id and calls her back.
November 06, 2015
Peabody-Martini almost 12 years ago
Cross continental freakout part 2 starts now. And once again one of the parties in question has no idea that anything is going on.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Leaping to conclusions is the only sport Mona’s any good at.Let sleeping Lamoureuxs lie, I say.
Tantor over 11 years ago
you’ve been dumped allright
QuietStorm27 over 11 years ago
I’m available for proofreading Ms. Babcock. I hope he has caller id and calls her back.