Creepy. Like a scene from Rosemarys Baby. Things that make you go…Brrrrrrrrr!
OMG! I’m glad that it wasn’t spelled out in plain English! It’s just too horrible: H.P. Lovecraft-horrible!Donna? Can you top this?
Don’t ask questions if you can’t handle the answers. Just the mere appearance of Mona screams that.
Can you sell the movie rights?
November 06, 2015
TheDOCTOR over 11 years ago
Creepy. Like a scene from Rosemarys Baby. Things that make you go…Brrrrrrrrr!
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
OMG! I’m glad that it wasn’t spelled out in plain English! It’s just too horrible: H.P. Lovecraft-horrible!Donna? Can you top this?
Peabody-Martini over 11 years ago
Don’t ask questions if you can’t handle the answers. Just the mere appearance of Mona screams that.
The missing M. Smokey over 11 years ago
Can you sell the movie rights?