C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for November 04, 2018

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I had a male gynecologist for while who was more like an 8…

    OMG …maybe a 9…. plus, I thought he must be 10 or 15 years younger than I was.

    It was almost intimidating….

    but he was also one of the nicest doctors I ever met.


    For some strange reason, his appointment book was jammed… and his waiting room crowded.

    But he seemed oblivious to it all.


    One day he mentioned that the sweet, unremarkable looking grey-haired receptionist was his wife… of almost 30 years…

    and he proudly showed me a picture of their grown daughters.

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    AlanM  over 6 years ago

    In about 1970 there was a gynecologist in the Charleston, SC area that almost all of the military wives went to.

    They all thought he was great.

    His name was Dr. Finger.

    Google will show that today there are Dr. Fingers all over the country.

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    Bob.  over 6 years ago

    I went to a doctor Butcher once. Our coroner was Croak. Might have been "Croake’. That was sixty years ago.

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    banjinshiju  over 6 years ago

    The next questions should be: One, is he married. Next, is he gay?

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  5. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 6 years ago

    Not being from Kalifornistan, I have no idea what might be the difference between an L.A. 6 and a Sacramento 6. But I should think Donna would have higher standards and not accept less than a 7 or 8….

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  6. Hangedmanblue  2
    hangedman  over 6 years ago

    More like La Moureux 6 vs. L’Hermite 9.

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