Cleats by Bill Hinds for August 31, 2023
Edith: My father wants me to jog with him and his girlfriend. Abby: Coach Georgie? Edith: Yeah, he claims he wants me to get more exercise, but he really wants me to bond with coach cutie. Abby: Aw, that's sweet and fuzzy. Edith: It's sweet and fuzzy like an orange that's covered with green-and-white mold on the outside, and rotted black on the inside. Abby: It does seem you're getting plenty exercised as it is.
markkahler52 over 1 year ago
Edith was all jacked up, wasn’t she?!
DaBump Premium Member over 1 year ago
I had to give this one a like just for using “exercised” in that sense.
Ellis97 over 1 year ago
Edith will never bond with Georgie, not even once. Especially if it means that Georgie will replace her dearly departed mother in both her heart and her mind. Plus, the last thing she wants is for Georgie and Bull to announce that she’s going to have a baby brother.