Puppet: Bwaaah! How can it be?! He was too young to go! At the funeral of famed ventriloquist Manny Silago.
After his friend’s death he was half the man he used to be.
Funeral march for a marionette
Shut up and get in the box!
The Batman villain known as the Ventriloquist also had his dummy talk after his apparent death.
August 21, 2015
J Short about 13 years ago
After his friend’s death he was half the man he used to be.
Zaristerex about 13 years ago
Funeral march for a marionette
LingeeWhiz about 13 years ago
Shut up and get in the box!
Stephen Gilberg about 13 years ago
The Batman villain known as the Ventriloquist also had his dummy talk after his apparent death.