Did he even scare away the little alien?
Bang, bang, the judge’s hammer came down on his head.
Order in the court, order in the court, the judge yelled. Okay, I’ll have a ham on rye and a Diet Coke.
Pulling out even a phony looking gun in a court house will get you shot dead!
Where do you get a dart gun that can shoot that many? I’m assuming that, if he had to stop to put in a new dart after each shot, someone would have stopped him.
August 21, 2015
Strob about 6 years ago
Did he even scare away the little alien?
Farside99 about 6 years ago
Bang, bang, the judge’s hammer came down on his head.
Stevefk about 6 years ago
Order in the court, order in the court, the judge yelled. Okay, I’ll have a ham on rye and a Diet Coke.
kodj kodjin about 6 years ago
Pulling out even a phony looking gun in a court house will get you shot dead!
Nuclear Nemesis about 6 years ago
Where do you get a dart gun that can shoot that many? I’m assuming that, if he had to stop to put in a new dart after each shot, someone would have stopped him.