Heart of the City by Steenz for March 28, 2010
Heart: What're you doing, Dean-o? Dean: Inventing a new olympic event. Heart: The olympics were last month, Apolo. Dean: But this is the future. Dean: See, if I create a new olympic event now, by the time I'm in my late teens, I'll dominate my "Sport". Dean: This would all but guarantee me buckets of gold medals and huge licensing deals! Dean: Then I'll create a character for myself...you know, dye my hair blue, get weird tattoos, or wear an eye patch...really cement my brand with the buying public. Dean: Then I can market all kinds of gear related to my sport: Goggles, shoulder pads, spring shoes, the works...all bearing my unique signature and logo! Heart: The day I need goggles to do the hula hoop, cash in my chips and ship me off to New Zealand. Dean: Ah, for the love of the game!
kfaatz925 almost 15 years ago
Hahaha! Love it! (Especially Dean’s starry-eyed look in the fourth panel.) Thanks for the laugh, Mark.
genghis.shaman almost 15 years ago
Ah, if only you could invent an Olympic event in ten years like that…
all-hail-hypnotoad almost 15 years ago
hey New Zealand is cool
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Kevin Kostner called. if you can find a way to work in a baseball, he want’s the movie rights. Something about showing them that he IS NOT too old.
bergamot almost 15 years ago
New Zealand’s really big on extreme sports Dean would probably START there (and fail , but stay to become a sheep shearing champion ! ) .
Asrial almost 15 years ago
Ah, Dean is back !!
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago