For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for July 10, 2018

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    too much learning

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    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    At least the face on Elly’s stomach looks happy.

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    howtheduck  over 6 years ago

    That trick would not work in my kitchen. The lower shelves are all cabinets and we only have one drawer on the top. This sort of trick only works if you have the right shelves, nothing in the shelves that will hurt you, and shelves that don’t fall out when you pull them out that far.

    When I was young, we just pulled a chair over to get up. It was a lot easier.

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    jpayne4040  over 6 years ago

    He’s teaching her “the ways”.

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    Jan C  over 6 years ago

    My baby brother didn’t need anyone to teach him. He was a climber from the first and figured it out all by himself. My mom told us that she found him on top of the refrigerator once when he was about 2. (That’s where she kept the marshmallows.)

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    eladee AKA Wally  over 6 years ago

    Where there’s a will there’s a way…

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    GaryCooper  over 6 years ago

    My cat Joe figured out this trick all by himself. When Joe got too old and arthritic to make it to the countertop in one jump, he started opening the kitchen drawers as Michael does here to make stairs for himself. I had no idea why I kept finding the drawers opened until one day I saw Joe arrange them with his front paws and then waltz up his improvised ladder to the counter. I thought it was pretty darned cool. Here was a case of an animal not only using a tool, but inventing one and building it.

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  8. Tyge
    Tyge  over 6 years ago

    My middle child learned that all on his own. At a fistful of his mother’s iron tablets. Ruined 3 pair of cloth diapers.

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    finnygirl Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Once my parents had used ant poison powder around the house. They stored it in the shed, high up on a shelf, with no chairs or anything else in the shed (except a counter). It couldn’t have been any further from the house without going off our property! Nonetheless, a younger brother and sister collaborated, got the ant poison down,and proceeded to eat it! We never did figure out how they got up there to retrieve it. (And they didn’t say, perhaps not feeling too talkative after getting their stomachs pumped at the hospital.) A hasp and padlock quickly appeared on the shed door!

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    USN1977  over 6 years ago

    Considering drawers are often wobbily, that is not ideal for a baby to be in the first place. Forget laundry costs, imagine hospital costs if Elizabeth fell! :0

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