For some reason – or unreason – people, who avoid making biased or profane comments in person, seem totally unaware that stating the same on digital media shows their total lack of taste to a much larger audience. The resulting responses can then cause them great embarrassment and possibly their jobs. There have been many examples in recent years, President Buttercup being one, so one would think users would become more cautious, but, like the wet concrete signs, there still are people who step into it without looking.
sandpiper about 5 years ago
For some reason – or unreason – people, who avoid making biased or profane comments in person, seem totally unaware that stating the same on digital media shows their total lack of taste to a much larger audience. The resulting responses can then cause them great embarrassment and possibly their jobs. There have been many examples in recent years, President Buttercup being one, so one would think users would become more cautious, but, like the wet concrete signs, there still are people who step into it without looking.
cuzinron47 about 5 years ago
And meant it to be even more offensive.