Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for February 17, 2023

  1. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  almost 2 years ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    Well, if Lenore says it was a suicide, then we can all go home. On the other hand, it does make her sound guilty.

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    Ashmael  almost 2 years ago

    If George didn’t want visitors why did Lenore invite those people to visit him?

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    firestrike1  almost 2 years ago

    in the real-life case of Reeve’s death, I myself believe that Toni and Eddie Mannix had SOMETHING to do with his death… Toni was spurned by George, it devastated and angered her and she asked Eddie to use his Mafia connections to get her revenge… and Eddie would do anything to keep Toni happy, even arrange to have George’s death look like a suicide… they didn’t believe in divorce according to their religious beliefs, but Toni was so enraged and Eddie would do anything to appease Toni, so they ignored the ‘thou shalt not kill’ commandment of their religious beliefs and went ahead with George’s demise… I don’t know the specifics of how it was done, but they both SOMEHOW had SOMETHING to do with it… I don’t believe Leonore Lemmon had anything to do with his death…

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    Sporteric11   almost 2 years ago

    You can tell she’s lying. Her lips are moving !

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  5. Mongo
    Mongo  almost 2 years ago

    Who gains the most? Lovecraft.

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    Batster  almost 2 years ago

    No wonder Lucas’s Tracy is extra squinty with these strenuously smoking suspects befouling the atmosphere….

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  7. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    ..I once read that he was very depressed that he’d likely be stereotyped as Superman when he auditioned for other T.V./movie roles……..

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    rhartt4363  almost 2 years ago

    I watched Val Lewton’s THE CAT PEOPLE with the commentary track this week. Learned that Dick Tracy was modeled by Chester Gould on 30’s/40’s star Jack Holt. It can really be seen.

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  9. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 2 years ago

    PANEL 2: I simply can’t go on! Rally I can’t. I may faint. Catch me, darling…

    TRACY: What? WHUMP!

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    Drbarb71 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Too bad they couldn’t have posted a new mystery. I not only read this take off on the George Reeves murder/suicide but had my comics class read it not to long ago.

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    CRUUNER  almost 2 years ago

    Don’t think Toni Mannix would have set Reeves up; from all accounts she genuinely loved him. Not the case with the aptly~named Miss Lemon, however~~

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  12. Missing large  almost 2 years ago

    Ms.Lovecraft’s gestures strike of the kind of bad acting you do to t hrow suspicion off yourself.Get the cuffs ready

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  13. Missing large  almost 2 years ago

    And when the Art Dekko story resumes on Monday,it will be Washington’s Birthday.When you’re not supposed to tell a lie.

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  14. Missing large
    timbob2313 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Was everybody smoking back when Reeves died? Sure looks like it from this story

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  15. Missing large  almost 2 years ago


    “When t hey invent a game that champions eating and sleeping,call on us”


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  16. Missing large  almost 2 years ago


    Once again,will you please “drop the block” on me on Tracy Wiki/Fandom that has existed since July 2021 for crying out loud.

    I suspect you have forgotten about me entirely.,Also,at least a dozen contributions on the site are mine,but I am not listed on the long list of contributors.

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  17. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 2 years ago

    In the smoke-filled room, Tracy’s interrogation so far reveals only that any of these bad actors could have had a hand in George’s mysterious death, and that Lenore is indeed a “bad actor” with her melodramatic flourishes and over-the-top storytelling.

    Time for our ace detective to detect and accuse….

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