A Closed Caption Cartoon
AND locked….it was so bad even #@#$%^$%^$%#%^&! wouldn’t cover it
LOL. Got it locked on your channel.
i put CC on the TV to watch the local news one night, boy the grammatical mistakes were really funny
Censored may be x rated or for white socks fans
Then I have nothing to say!
August 30, 2014
AddADadaAdDad about 15 years ago
Plods with ...™ about 15 years ago
AND locked….it was so bad even #@#$%^$%^$%#%^&! wouldn’t cover it
Yukoneric about 15 years ago
LOL. Got it locked on your channel.
bald about 15 years ago
i put CC on the TV to watch the local news one night, boy the grammatical mistakes were really funny
poppy1313 about 15 years ago
Censored may be x rated or for white socks fans
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Then I have nothing to say!