I would think the beard would make him look TOO old to be hired. Businesses don’t want geezers to be sign holders, they want fit young guys who can spin the signs around and toss them in the air and catch them to attract attention. We have lots of sign holders where I live (we have a billboard ban on the highways) and they are all of that type.
OldestandWisest over 12 years ago
I would think the beard would make him look TOO old to be hired. Businesses don’t want geezers to be sign holders, they want fit young guys who can spin the signs around and toss them in the air and catch them to attract attention. We have lots of sign holders where I live (we have a billboard ban on the highways) and they are all of that type.
doug over 12 years ago
But if ZZ Top drives by, this could be Billy’s big break.
Casey Southards over 12 years ago
Not going to sell much of that.
burleigh2 over 12 years ago
Yeah… and not hold it on a farm where nobody is likely to see it. :-s