It may be nice to know that WrestleMania is one of the few ‘sporting’ events not cancelled. It is occurring at a training center in Orlando, Florida, instead. No audience in attendance.
Wow, has it been a year of Crabgrass? I was so upset to be losing Jamal (and I still haven’t had the heart to “unfollow”) but I love Crabgrass so much. Thanks, Tauhid!
stellanova87 almost 5 years ago
I’m glad you know it’s Sunday, I keep forgetting what day it is.
Ida No almost 5 years ago
Gotta ring the most out of the day that you can.
well-i-never almost 5 years ago
It’s been a good year with Crabgrass. That first comic in 2019 was a grabber! Thank you and congratulations!
SeanT Premium Member almost 5 years ago
It may be nice to know that WrestleMania is one of the few ‘sporting’ events not cancelled. It is occurring at a training center in Orlando, Florida, instead. No audience in attendance.
Sir Ruddy Blighter almost 5 years ago
It HAS been 1 year! Happy Anniversary to my new favorite comic strip!
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 5 years ago
Rabbit ears? Can you even buy them now?
jvn almost 5 years ago
They be came blood brothers on the day they met?
Fiona D Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Wow, has it been a year of Crabgrass? I was so upset to be losing Jamal (and I still haven’t had the heart to “unfollow”) but I love Crabgrass so much. Thanks, Tauhid!
Potato Brain almost 4 years ago
7 days then its two
doctorwho29 almost 4 years ago
They kept track. these two are awesome
Julian Dieter over 3 years ago
Welp, hes dead