Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for May 11, 2008
Dill: My brother heard about a guy who'd lie on the sofa watching TV all the time. Alice: So? Dill: So one day he dozed off in front of the TV. And awoke to find a terrible transformation had taken place. He'd become a Sofa Centaur, half man and half sofa! Alice: I wish I was a Sofa Centaur! It'd be great! Petey: No, it wouldn't. If Grandma came to visit you'd have to fold out for her to sleep on, and you know how Grandma snores. Dill: He's right, you know. Alice: I hate it when Petey's the voice of reason.
Selfthinker over 14 years ago
but the voice of reason,tells me a differant story
zoeysha101 over 13 years ago
how ironic
Clearstream over 8 years ago
Anyone remember when Petey said “I hate it when I’m the voice of reason.”