Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for March 11, 2013
Dill: Don't climb too high on the jungle gym. Alice: Why? Dill: I heat its upper reaches are inhabited by a lost race of wild children with monkey feet and tails. Dill: They subsist on a diet of acorns, squirrels and safety patrol crossing guards. Alice: Acorns? Yuk.
margueritem almost 12 years ago
Crossing guards are acceptable to Alice’s palate.
Linux0s almost 12 years ago
The race of wild children is headed to the upper reaches now.
pouncingtiger almost 12 years ago
Just the acorns make Alice disgusted?!?
CountAnton almost 12 years ago
She hasn’t yet put a squirrel or crossing guard in her mouth. But she KNOWS acorns taste bad… :D
GROG Premium Member almost 12 years ago
But the rest is alright with Alice.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Dill will grow up to be the programming chief of Automatic Pleasure Stims, Inc., the government front-firm manufacturing our brain implants. The underground Resistance, of which his wife, Alice, will be a secret member, will deride “Pinheads.” [Apologies to Larry Niven.]
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
had a good friend disappear that way. that or he moved. can’t remember.
drawingpad almost 12 years ago
That’s a jungle gym I want to climb, monkeys or no monkeys.
susanwobb almost 12 years ago
…and children who climb too high.
calvinsfriend110 almost 12 years ago
Hate it when slides get really hot.