Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 07, 2013
Alice: Are all these toys relics of ancient Blisshavenian civilizations? Beni: Yes. Beni: Like this wooden cow. Notice the teeth marks? It's been chewed by a creature with broad fangs, unlike anything known in today's world! Alice: Wow. Dill: I did that yesterday in an anxious moment. Beni: Or maybe it was done by a freakish, modern-day throwback. Alice: Dill! Stop being a freakish modern day cow relic chewing throwback! OK?
margueritem over 11 years ago
Just stop it, Dill!
Linux0s over 11 years ago
Yes, just be a normal modern-day cow-relic-chewing throwback Dill!
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Dill, you made the tragic mistake of breaking the faux reality of Beni and Alice’s make-believe! So, listen to your future wife and STOP it, OK?
GROG Premium Member about 11 years ago
Go ahead, Dill. Chew on someting else. I would just to defy them.
pumaman about 11 years ago
Cows chew cud. Dill chews cows. Alice and Beni chew out Dill.
Gokie5 about 11 years ago
Good one, pumy! . . . I love Richard’s cow. Reminds me of Grandma.
route66paul about 11 years ago
And take you hand out of your pants!
scyphi26 about 11 years ago
You’re spoiling the pseudo-history, Dill!
fishbulb239 about 11 years ago
Watch it, Alice – you’re going to cause Dill to have an anxious moment. Quick! Does anybody have a wooden cow handy that Dill can use to quell that anxiety?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 11 years ago
Anybody know how Richard is doing?