It is the Audubon Institute here in New Orleans. They are cleaning much of the rescued wild life at their facilities here in NOLA and training volunteers to do so ‘in the field’, especially for sea turtles. They run Audubon Park, The Audubon Zoo, The Audubon Aquarium, and The Audubon Insectarium. They are a VERY reputable organization.
Oops so I was wrong and so was Runs With Beer…It is the National Audubon Society. But everything else I said stands…here is their website…
I hope something happens real soon. It’s such a catastrophe! I’m worried about all the Canadian birds that Winter in the Gulf. 30,000,000 birds in peril.
I am totally a bird person but we also have to be concerned for all the sea life. The demand to resume other drilling operations is unconscionable until companies can prove that they can cap disastrous spills in a timely manner.
Totalloser Premium Member over 14 years ago
vacation days , your both unemployed everyday is a vacation day
comixrkl over 14 years ago
I noticed there’s a web site mentioned on the bottom of panel 2… How you can help: Thanks for including that in the strip!
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
I don’t know where that link takes you, comixrkl because my firewalls block it, but it’s definitely NOT the National Audubon Society website.
comixrkl over 14 years ago
Thanks Runs with Beer! I just noticed the typo myself when I tried to click on it.
fstreichjr over 14 years ago
It is the Audubon Institute here in New Orleans. They are cleaning much of the rescued wild life at their facilities here in NOLA and training volunteers to do so ‘in the field’, especially for sea turtles. They run Audubon Park, The Audubon Zoo, The Audubon Aquarium, and The Audubon Insectarium. They are a VERY reputable organization.
fstreichjr over 14 years ago
Oops so I was wrong and so was Runs With Beer…It is the National Audubon Society. But everything else I said stands…here is their website…
Rockingwoman over 14 years ago
I hope something happens real soon. It’s such a catastrophe! I’m worried about all the Canadian birds that Winter in the Gulf. 30,000,000 birds in peril.
Rockingwoman over 14 years ago
I followed and got there. Wonderful site!
vldazzle over 14 years ago
I am totally a bird person but we also have to be concerned for all the sea life. The demand to resume other drilling operations is unconscionable until companies can prove that they can cap disastrous spills in a timely manner.