Do you have a lot to be modest about?
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Same Here!
Make that four, this comic sucks! And coming from a 12-year old figure-skater like myself, that says a lot!
Dazz…hope you see this…left you a message on yesterdays comment, on yesterdays strip…:-)
Its my humility that makes me better than everyone else
September 13, 2014
rubinocreative Premium Member over 12 years ago
Do you have a lot to be modest about?
CLICKto Get a Daddy’s Home of Your OwnCLICKfor DH on Pinterest
Little Miss Tink over 12 years ago
Same Here!
Cindy Knight over 12 years ago
Make that four, this comic sucks! And coming from a 12-year old figure-skater like myself, that says a lot!
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
Dazz…hope you see this…left you a message on yesterdays comment, on yesterdays strip…:-)
3tp over 12 years ago
Its my humility that makes me better than everyone else