Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for August 23, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Man, that elephant looks ticked off! Must be the eyes

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Does the O C on the tent stand for ‘Odd Circus’?

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  3. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  over 15 years ago

    Worst purple elephant I’ve seen since I quit drinking.

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  4. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  over 15 years ago

    Maybe the elephant is ticked off because the cicus painted him purple.

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  5. Missing large
    OzzieJohn  over 15 years ago

    DT is STILL talking to the back of Ringo’s head. When is he going to ask Ringo to turn round and face him, or simply walk round to Ringo’s front and look him straight in the eye? Then perhaps DT won’t have to repeat himself day after day.

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  6. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 15 years ago

    Sounds like the FBi guys are crooks. Maybe the government owns this circus, too!

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  7. Fosdick
    Fearless_Fosdick  over 15 years ago

    Mr. Pops, Clown G-Man. Golly.

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  8. Missing large
    canadaeh  over 15 years ago

    Send In The Clowns

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  9. Giantbrain
    TheGiantBrain  over 15 years ago

    If, as Bracy postulates, it is a member of the troupe, then said member would know that Ringo did NOT go to the police. Of course, what kind of a nitwit would think a murder would not attract the attention of the authorities?

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  10. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I love how crimegobbers has the bully as this huge giant. Most big guys don’t go out of their way to try and intimidate people.

    The meanest bullies I’ve ever seen are the little tiny women and girls who over compensate for their tiny size by being more belligerant and aggressive than any six footer, 250 pounder I’ve ever met. I’m over six foot tall and usually around 275. My wife isn’t much over 5 foot and weighs about 115 on a heavy day. But all our friends know I’m the safe one to upset.

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  11. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 15 years ago

    They could make a movie out of this: “I was a Clown for the FBI”.

    Of course the purple elephant is pissed. That woman is sitting on his head!

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  12. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 15 years ago

    Morrow, our goverment IS a circus! Every two years we elect more and more clowns!

    Textbook Tip Extra: When seeing someone being bullied, make sure you’re not out in the open with your cell phone calling the authorities!

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  13. Avatar
    jumbobrain  over 15 years ago

    Didn’t that incredibly dumb perfume story also have a couple scenes of people in Washington arguing that never really had much to do with the plot?

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  14. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 15 years ago

    It’s an old circus saying, is it?

    Google No results found for “when there’s trouble send in the clowns”.

    I guess it must be a SECRET old circus saying – one of those secret circus sayings that outsiders aren’t allowed to know about. So now that Tracy knows, Tracy must die. Mwahahahahaha!

    Looks like the FBI has some secret sayings that outsiders aren’t allowed to know about too. Fight fire with fire!

    -Cougar :{)

    P.S. If the FBI guy asking the window “What happened?” can get together with Ringo that could use up a week or two with the two of them going “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?” “It happened!” “What happened?”


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  15. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 15 years ago

    If we get tired of snarking at Dick Tracy should we go try to find another bad comic to snark at, or should we go read the good comics?

    I vote for reading good comics – we’ll never find anything as bad as the current Dick Tracy to snark at. Why settle for a lesser evil?

    -Cougar :{)

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  16. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 15 years ago

    “Send in the clowns” Isn’t that an old Judy Collins song?

    The only “old circus saying” I’m aware of is “Hey Rube” meaning “trouble here, come NOW and help”.

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  17. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 15 years ago

    In all that confusion I’ll say “what happened”. FBI Agent Hunter is back ! That;s what. He’s the guy reporting in the bottom panel with the Tracy like jaw. Back in the Slugs Magnum (1999) tale Locher had 3 of them. I likened them to Gillete razors, Mach 1, 2, and 3 and all inside of two months. This one looks like version 2, a little like Tracy. Does he have grey hair ?

    It sort of shows how long the Author has been expelling wind in trial balloons. I suspect back then he was looking for a new face/version for Tracy. He can’t change Sam, so the latter is in detention (shackled?) on a back seat.

    Readers keep asking if that’s a Ransom note (?) Locher keeps on making Tracy say so. Can anyone say what “sum of money” is being demanded (?) and for what in return ?

    Is this what good writers mean saying “from the sublime to thr rediculous”. Our pal “DLisagenius” shoulds have a pretty good “handle” on that one.

    Is that how our pal Dicky defines a “mystery” ? Questions ! Uncertainty ! No answers ! More questions ? and so on, AND so on, over and OVER again (?) No action, and the after FIVE months one BIG answer at the end (?) I’ll bet he’ll never sell a book at Amazon ! He’s not “bold or fresh” !

    Where is DLgeewhiz ? Where are ALL of them ? So many puzzeling statements six weeks in, and still NO known villain (?)

    Guess, they’re somewhere near Woodstock hunkering down together with Rod, Nilon Hoze and Downwind Jackson, really just “looking the other way” - but pretending to look for the body of DLMortimer-the-genius

    While our top man stands GUILTY of a lack of CLARITY !.

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  18. Tracy
    coratelli  over 15 years ago

    Sidney, I hope in the next days to join into the Dick Tracy yahoo groups. Anyway, I have a question for you: where you have see the TMS update of Dick Tracy strips?

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  19. Odd spots 002
    sydney  over 15 years ago



    Good to hear from you. There is your link above (we have to thank “neonleon59” who kindly passed the link on)

    The last three numbers are the month and date, so strip for June 23 (623) comes up, you need to change these to see the “date” you want. Right now it can take you to Saturday, September 12. It seems that some time on every TUESDAY they advance the strips by one week. This link provides daily strips only. No Sunday pages.

    You can also look back to mid January 2008

    Good to see you’ll be joining the DT Yahoo Board. The Moderator there is Beau Kalin who started it. Andy Fieghery of the Dick Tracy Fan Club also posts there occasionally. Would mention that there’s at least one Italian there Angelo Ventura. A few people that post here, post there also.

    I believe you are aware that the Fan Cub has all the strips ever printed ob Dick Tracy for sale if you ever need anything. If you do his number is (719) 685 - 9086. They also publish a Dick Tracy Magazine with articles on the strip, Letters to the Editor and are currently reprinting the strips done in the late the mid eighties (currently a villain called Splitscreen (1982) Look at them on specproductions@msn.com

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  20. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 15 years ago

    Hey Sydney! Where did our boy Mattie go? There can’t be a Discussion Board without him dominating it! Wonder if he took Dorothy (ala Ludwig’s description) with him?

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  21. Ban splits
    fleeglebeagle  over 15 years ago

    The elephant is the killer – he’s tired of working for peanuts; the clown works for the FBI. It’s all sort of poetic justice!

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