Like Burl does? Didn’t he nurse a corn on his toe for 3 months?Timmy’s odd growth patterns should be checked out by a Doctor, today he is as big as a teenager, othertimes he is as small as a 1st grader, all those preservatives in his food is messing with his pituitary gland. I mean really, his right leg is huge! Upright he would be over 6 feet tall!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Like Burl does? Didn’t he nurse a corn on his toe for 3 months?Timmy’s odd growth patterns should be checked out by a Doctor, today he is as big as a teenager, othertimes he is as small as a 1st grader, all those preservatives in his food is messing with his pituitary gland. I mean really, his right leg is huge! Upright he would be over 6 feet tall!
loveslife almost 10 years ago
Maybe the Cushion is smooshed from all that weight it has to support.
mikie2 almost 10 years ago
Ah, Burl, as ever, gaming the system to his benefit.