The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for March 07, 2015

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Like Burl does? Didn’t he nurse a corn on his toe for 3 months?Timmy’s odd growth patterns should be checked out by a Doctor, today he is as big as a teenager, othertimes he is as small as a 1st grader, all those preservatives in his food is messing with his pituitary gland. I mean really, his right leg is huge! Upright he would be over 6 feet tall!

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    loveslife  almost 10 years ago

    Maybe the Cushion is smooshed from all that weight it has to support.

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    mikie2  almost 10 years ago

    Ah, Burl, as ever, gaming the system to his benefit.

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