I have sulfur water. I have a pump that pumps 8 drops of 70% Hydrogen Peroxide into every gallon automatically as it comes out of the well…excellent water! (adds 1 atom of Hydrogen to the sulfur water)
You boil water for Jello…
Het wait, don’ they refill their water bottles…?
I never thought of Jell-O as something you “cook”.
The dude from FL Premium Member about 15 hours ago
I have sulfur water. I have a pump that pumps 8 drops of 70% Hydrogen Peroxide into every gallon automatically as it comes out of the well…excellent water! (adds 1 atom of Hydrogen to the sulfur water)
tcayer about 8 hours ago
You boil water for Jello…
phacochere5 about 8 hours ago
InTraining Premium Member about 7 hours ago
Het wait, don’ they refill their water bottles…?
mfrasca about 6 hours ago
robtgordon about 5 hours ago
I never thought of Jell-O as something you “cook”.