Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North for March 13, 2019

  1. Idano
    Ida No  almost 6 years ago

    Aurelio Voltaire calls himself “bi-trekual”, meaning that he likes both series. And he’d totally write a song about Data and Han Solo getting it on.

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    scyphi26  almost 6 years ago

    Physics issues aside…I don’t think facing off the Millennium Falcon with the Enterprise would be a fair comparison, considering that the Falcon is this little private cargo hauler while the Enterprise, while on a mission of peace, is still a military ship that can definitely defend herself in an all-out battle.

    A better comparison would be to ask which would win in a fight, the Enterprise, or a Star Destroyer? The Star Destroyer is more directly geared for war and seems to be better armed, but the Enterprise seems to be more agile and mobile than it, so I would say it would be anybody’s fight, really. It’d probably depend on who got in the first good hit.

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    CougarAllen  almost 6 years ago

    Darth Vader would infiltrate the Enterprise as a new recruit. They would dress him in a red shirt and beam him down to an unexplored planet along with Kirk, Spock, & Bones. In about one minute: “He’s dead, Jim.” Roll opening credits.

    After the commercial break Princess Leia would try to seduce Kirk … but of course he can’t get it up for human girls….

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