I looked it up, “mate in 546” is a real thing, but it requires very specific circumstances to achieve and required the help of a computerized database so to determine it existed. So not likely something to just come up in casual chess, or even championship chess. I’d imagine most players, even if they were to manage to set up the right circumstances for it, probably wouldn’t be able to foresee they’ll have done so that many moves in advance.
Still…it would be a crazy mad flex to be able to claim that in a game.
scyphi26 6 months ago
I looked it up, “mate in 546” is a real thing, but it requires very specific circumstances to achieve and required the help of a computerized database so to determine it existed. So not likely something to just come up in casual chess, or even championship chess. I’d imagine most players, even if they were to manage to set up the right circumstances for it, probably wouldn’t be able to foresee they’ll have done so that many moves in advance.
Still…it would be a crazy mad flex to be able to claim that in a game.