After our dog grew larger than our cat (which was there first), she acted like she was the cat’s mother, trying to stick her snout up the cat’s tailpipe whenever she came in from outside to see where she’d been. Cat would tolerate this for perhaps six seconds; then she’d turn around and claw the dog’s snout. Dog never learned to stop doing that.
The Nihilist over 12 years ago
Just the treatment any new person receives in a new environment…
— Pack rules
Jkiss over 12 years ago
At let dogs are up front about it……..or up rear….whatever.
Dkram over 12 years ago
Where’s Iggy, he would be the one on a step stool..\\//_
K M over 12 years ago
After our dog grew larger than our cat (which was there first), she acted like she was the cat’s mother, trying to stick her snout up the cat’s tailpipe whenever she came in from outside to see where she’d been. Cat would tolerate this for perhaps six seconds; then she’d turn around and claw the dog’s snout. Dog never learned to stop doing that.