Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 30, 1974
Ginny: Oh, Clyde. Tell me it ain't so. Clyde: A dream come true, sugar! A skyblue Electra 225, with the baddest v-8 ever to leave Detroit!! Ginny: Oh, Clyde, I'm so embarrassed for you. Clyde: Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, baby?! Ain't a chick in town wouldn't be proud to ride in a machine like this! Ginny: But wouldn't a Gremlin have been more sensible? Clyde: Oh, girl, where is your class?
leaman100 over 12 years ago
Actually, no.
racerxyz almost 10 years ago
Maybe a Gremlin X;-)
JohnTheFoole over 5 years ago
Another classic!