Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 19, 1975

  1. Missing large
    KnifeSmile  over 7 years ago

    New artists are always like this in any medium. They just don’t understand that their mistakes are still going to look bad no matter what they’re using, whether it’s the silver or the professional grade oil paint.

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  2. Gthbuoh  normal
    DeFriendlyTroll  over 5 years ago

    Admittedly in some mediums, cheap materials really do make worse work (watercolor, f’erinstance) but honestly it’s best not to get too precious the first…. oh, couple dozen times.

    Spring for decent brushes, tho. Not GREAT brushes, but decent. The cheap ones spit up bristles everywhere. Just make sure it’s cheap enough you wont cry if one gets acrylic dried in it….

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